Mu Krop
Crisp-fried pork belly.
1 kilogram pork belly with thick lean layers,
1 table spoon salt,
1/2 cup vinegar,
1 table spoon honey,
Cooking oil for frying.
1) Cut the pork lengthwise into four equal pieces and wash.2) Boil the pork in water, add 2 teaspoonful of salt, boil about 30-40 minutes, remove from the water, and place on a gridiron.
3) In a pot, simmer the vinegar and the honey until melted. Spoon this sauce over the pork, continue this for awhile, and then sprinkle the pork on all sides with the salt. Next, hang the pork in a breezy spot or in the wind of an electric fan until dry.
4) With a fork, prick the skin and flesh on all surfaces of the pork. Deep fry until crisp and golden brown, drain, cut into bite-size slices, and serve.