
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Kaeng Jeut Khai Jiao

Kaeng Jeut Khai Jiao

Omelette in broth.

3-4 eggs,
1-2 lettuce plants,
1 tea spoon dried salted vegetable,
1 coriander plant,
1 tea spoon chopped garlic,
1/2 tea spoon ground pepper,
2-3 table spoon fish sauce,
5 cups soup stock or water,
4 table spoon cooking oil.


1) Bring the stock to a boil. if you with to add pork, drop small lumps of the grond meat into the stock.
2) Beat the eggs and fry in a wok until firm. Now, move the egg off to one side, put in the garlic, and saute until fragrant and golden; Next, return the egg to the middle, break up with the spatula into pieces, transfer the contents of the wok to the pot, and when the stock returns to a boil, add the fish sauce
3) Place lettuce leaves in a bowl, clip the soup into hte bowl, sprinkle with the pepper, coriander greens, and dried salted vegetable, and serve hot.

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