
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Pla Chon Op Wai

Pla Chon Op Wai

Serpent-head fish baked with wine

1 serpent-head fish weighing about 1 kilogram,
1 table spoon ground pepper,
2 tea spoon salt,
4 table spoon white wine,
1 table spoon butter.


1) Scale the fish and wash thoroughly. Cut along the back from head to tail and open the body out. With a sharp knife, remove the bones. Remove the entrails, and wash well once again.
2) Rub the entire body with the salt and peper and then apply the butter. Bake at 350 ํ F. for about 25 minutes until golden ; then, pour the wine over the fish and bake for 5 more minutes. Serve with sauce and vegetable as you like.
3) Sauce : pound 10 garlic colves, 2 coriander roots, and 7 hot chillies until finely ground, transfer to small bowl, add 1 1/2 table spoon lime juice and 1/2 table spoon salt, stir to mix, and serve with the serpent-head.

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