
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Pla Kon

Pla Kon

Fried Fish Cakes

1 cup mashed steamed sole meat,
3 table spoon mashed bolled potato,
1 table spoon finely chopped celery or Chinese soup celery,
5 green beans, boiled and cut into short lengths,
1/2 carrot, boiled and sliced,
1 egg,
1/4 cup toasted bread crumbs,
1/2 tea spoon salt,
2 table spoon fresh milk,
2 cup cooking oil for frying,
Absorbent paper.


1) Blend together the fish, potato, salt, celery, and egg, and the milk, and knead to mix.
2) Divide into five portions, mold each into a cake, and coat with the toasted bread crumbs. Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown.
3) Remove from the oil, drain on absorbent paper, and serve with the carrot and beans.

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